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Rússia VS Ucrânia - faz ultimato para que as forças ucranianas abandonem Mariupol

Россия выдвинула ультиматум украинским войскам покинуть Мариуполь

Russia today ordered Ukrainian forces to evacuate the city of Mariupol, besieged for weeks and largely destroyed, by Monday morning.

The head of the Russian National Defense control center, Mikhail Mizintsev, announced, quoted by the Spanish agency EFE, that all elements of the Ukrainian army will be able to leave the city between 10:00 and 12:00 (less two hours in Lisbon) , as well as all "foreign mercenaries".

According to Russian authorities, humanitarian caravans with food, medicines and essential items will be allowed to enter from 12:00, and Mizintsev has also appealed to international organizations such as the United Nations and the Red Cross to send representatives to supervise the withdrawals. of civilians VER MAIS AQUI
Rússia faz ultimato para que as forças ucranianas abandonem Mariupol

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